Saturday, 7 November 2009

I'm Talkin' 'Bout A Bad Romance

You would think that it would be relatively simple to find an online list of new single releases wouldn't you. Albums? Easy. DVDs? Childs Play. Singles? Deceptively hard! Well after half an hour of consecutive googling I finally found a site, so I personally would like to thank The Daily Record for being the only site to do this.

So without further hesitation here is this week's singles review:

Lady GaGa - Bad Romance - 8.0/10

I put my hands up here, I am a bit of a GaGa fan since finding her last August after some random blog surfing. So here she is releasing her 5th single in a year, no mean feat, and is the first thing that people will hear of The Fame Monster. As songs go it isn't bad, always a good start. It is definately a grower too since upon hating it on the first listen I am actually beginning to really like it. The only slight issue I have is the close resemblance with Poker Face, in both the chorus and the 'ma-ma-ma' hook. However, on multiple listens the resemblances begin to dissolve into the ether and the song really begins to come out to play. Lady GaGa is here doing what she does best and at least she is making some form of attempt to give the reissue it's own unique personality unlike others I could mention (e.g. Duffy).

JLS - Everybody In Love - 8.0/10

Unlike most people I wasn't exactly wowed by Beat Again, apparently this is a cardinal sin in my social circle. The fact that I found this likeable on the word go probably means that everyone else will rate this song as complete crap. For the first time, in my opinion, JLS finally both look and sound the part of the new boyband taking Britain by storm. We may finally have another name to add to the pitifully short roster of post-talent show acts to suceed afterwards. Also, as this is basically assured the number one spot tomorrow it is worth the listen.

Laura White - You Should Have Known - 5.5/10
(Download Only, Physical Release on Monday)

Remember this young woman? Well she was on X-Factor last year and caused a bit of a controversy when she was booted off the programme for playing a piano. Ok, that wouldn't have been the real reason but hey it could be. This song isn't unlikeable, really saved from complete mediocrity by the strong performance by White herself. Then you realise she wrote this song and suddenly the whole thing makes more sense as it's robbed of a decent hook and could have been written by ay Amy Winehouse soundalike. Am still waiting on the new release from Ruth Lorenzo myself. That'll be aces!

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